the sad feeling behind receiving feedback
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A scary tale about receiving feedback

How to take advantage of rejections in your life and do not fall meanwhile

Ana Rafaela
3 min readJan 9, 2022


John is an artisan who loves to master his pieces and has the habit of spending his entires afternoon making the most perfect pieces his hands can create, that John habit’s had gained to him a bit of expertise in his craft, but guess what, John lives in a small student flat filled losing art pieces awaiting for to be perfected.

The tiny line between the perfection and non-perfect pieces created by John is an illusionary one created by himself .-after receiving his firsts work rejections he deepest planted the doubt seed in his craft and that seed has grown until today with strong foundations as a sallow does.

As strong the insecurity sallow is, John’s apartment is filled with unsold beautiful pieces of art, John’s behavior also is covered by a tendency to be in solitude far from loves who can support him and strengthen his confidence.

John’s behavior is a common example in life where no one is trained to handle rejections, instead those are taken as negative responses into the work, increased to the tendency of constantly search for approving and creating insecure tons of people in different areas.

Is important to notice a rejection isn’t a final result of your expertise, on the other hand, that means an important resource to your confidence mastering which in the short or middle term would be a piece in your success path, perhaps defeats are hidden and magic seeds you have to learn how to cultivate and then you will taste the powerful harvest from.

To begin how to manage rejections, first than all show up yourself as you really are, then your work and arts will reflect the authenticity inside you, nothing more attractive in this world than that .- authenticity, now a profitable coin in a whole world where artificial behaviors are filling all.

After you feel really comfortable in showing up yourself, you will take any risk that involves sharing your craft, instead of hiding it looking for illusions for perfection that peculiarity only exists in your mind, outside you lives an enormous world that love variety, also keeps in mind each iteration through the process sharing your work means an important step in creating the true perfection that resides outside your mind.

It is not an easy task, but who says creating is an easy way; if you wish easy paths, there are lots behind the greats one who already had been created something, but if you are like the ones who love creating their own path no matter what is your area, you should confront the risk and bravery needed in.

The greatest way to improve the necessary characteristics is to look in you in front of the mirror. remembering what your desires are and how those make you feel then allow that's feelings come into you and make a niche replacing older fears and doubts that only limits you to gain the desired goal.



Ana Rafaela

10+ years as System Engineer and currently Success Coach thoroughly enjoy writing about self-development topics and how to pursue life’s goals