Hacking the Early Morning Routine: How I Failed Developing My Early Morning Routine

Ana Rafaela
3 min readSep 11, 2020


“Own your morning. Elevate your life.” Robin Sharma, The 5 am Club.

Photo by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash

A powerful phrase that helps me encourage to incorporate morning routines, after spending a lot of time learning about the wake up early morning and positive effects in the journal of any entrepreneur.

Exist a vast amount of studies that embrace the morning routine and big emphasis in the “early morning”, some testimonials round to wake up at four, five, or six AM, I mean a range, after read all that information and evidence success in people who practice it, was easy for me fall in love with the concept; reason why I decide to take advantage and include it in my daily routine.

Books like 5 AM Club I consider are an excellent start point for all us who want to introduce morning habits in daily routine so from an inspirational storytelling Sharma helps us to install a systematic method that helps us in transition, and for me was useful and practical.

So I decided to get into practice the described steps and on the way, a question came to me.

What have I in common with previous testimonials that I found?

At that moment answers were really easy, common features like smart, entrepreneur mindset, love for success, health life aspirations, and others filled my answer list to the previous question, but like life experiences and profession have taught me; something had a weird smell to me into that marvelous concept — in my own experience.

I try recommended tips, and those help me to put on the table my work on time but, I didn’t feel inspired as I used to be, so I decide to restart the routine, this time meditating it and analyzing my previous patterns, where I found a different characteristic — I remembered I use to be more inspired at nights. No one advises me about it, almost all lectures, tips, specialist, and others explain the importance of going to bed early and then wake up early morning counteract with my essence that I can to illustrate my daily rhythm like: mornings cold, middle of the day warm and nights hot, times during I climb to my momentum sometimes at 3 AM.

After analyzing my pattern I came back to ask, this time — What is my non-common feature? — well, I am a programmer. At this moment came to me memories from coworkers and colleagues who share the same characteristic, so we as programmers our brain is always in an alert state that means our brain is trying to process or search ways to solve the whole problems (tech solutions) that we develop and usually midnight is the best time where solutions appear, or like me times where I feel comfortable to create code and others stuff derivatives from creativity.

Wake up early morning bring us an excellent performance that contributes to our success but certainly is not the unique formula and even the best for all, I can understand the best formula is composed of:

  • Set focus on your current life goal, current because those can change as we experience our natural growth life process.
  • Fill the big current goal with small daily goals, that will help you to measure time, progress, and goals fulfillment.
  • Keep in mind health and happiness over any circumstance, no matter if you wake up at 5 AM or passed noon, the most important thing is your wellness.
  • Take compassion with your daily process, as I mention not to exist a perfect formula and the results are not equal for all so no judge yourself and be careful of your goals balanced with wellness.

It’s not a rule just for programmers, I share from my experience and I know it would be useful to others too.



Ana Rafaela

10+ years as System Engineer and currently Success Coach thoroughly enjoy writing about self-development topics and how to pursue life’s goals