When the answer it to obvious that no one give you support

Ana Rafaela
1 min readAug 25, 2020

At this opportunity I’ll relate about Symfony PHP framework.

A think the case that I will relate is a common situation for all of us as software developer.

I admite I am not the most persistent one, in my journey as a developer and that increase at the time when I face up a bug that the theory just teach something like:

extra_fields | %field% Unexpected extra form field named "%field%".(official documentation)

And after large fail research trough the web i realized a bug fixed using the magic pill that each developer has

The logic sense

Concluding once more in that, no one provide support over obvious but important errors meaning in amount of wasted time; yes I know, create documentation is the weakest part when we talk about software development, but I consider a helpful way when all of us can help as community, that improve the performance of tools we daily use, formed us as an strong community (such as sysadminds) where obvious not always is easy to solve.

At the end, the simplest solve was just set a value as false when I defined the new field in the form builder. Solved!



Ana Rafaela

10+ years as System Engineer and currently Success Coach thoroughly enjoy writing about self-development topics and how to pursue life’s goals